Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Xbox 720 Game Console Design

Xbox 720 has 'Wii U touchscreen controller' - Reporter

 You definitely heard about Xbox 360, haven't you? How about Xbox 720? Unknown to you? You want to know how does Xbox 720 game console look like? Well, check this out!

No, this is not official Xbox 720 game console. It's just another perspective Xbox mod, or rather a suggestion of what the Xbox 360 would look like in the future. It's made by a certain Tai Chiem, this piece of mod is quite futuristic with the skeletonized frame, giving it a UFO like feel. The mod sports the Xbox emblem on the cover and the power and the reset buttons are in the front, with the Microsoft logos on the sides.

I am not sure whether Microsoft is gonna even consider this design. It’s not because this design is lacking anything, it's just that I don’t think Microsoft has a good eye for creativity. I mean, look at Xbox 360, there are far better Xbox 360 mods available, that make up for the lack of luster and plush feeling of the classy console, don’t you agree?

Hungry for more? Check out xbox 720 conceptual design here!


Anonymous said...

definition of ugly

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