Saturday, September 24, 2011

Launch Date for STAR WARS: The Old Republic

Yesterday, Senior Community Coordinator, Allison Berryman told us that Star Wars: The Old Republic will launch on December, 11, 2011:

"Today, the wait is truly over – for a release date, at least.
It is our pleasure to finally announce to you that Star Wars: The Old Republic will launch on December 20, 2011 in North America, and in Europe on December 22, 2011. This is an incredible moment for everyone at BioWare and our partners at LucasArts who have dedicated the past few years to build this extraordinary game. We appreciate the patience from the millions of fans who have been waiting for the game’s release. When we launch this groundbreaking MMO this holiday, we hope you agree that it will have been worth the wait."



sinreal11 said...

This is an incredible moment for everyone at BioWare and our partners at LucasArts who have dedicated the past few years to build this extraordinary game. swtor credits swtor credits

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