Friday, October 21, 2011

Is WoW: Mists of Pandaria going to be successful?

Is Mists of Pandaria going to be a successful expansion?
From my point of view, it will and it won't. Depends.

Why successful?
Because of new class called monk, new race called Pandaren, a new level cap to 90 (it's same like Cataclysm) so it won't be long, new environment and this is just the beginning! It's still not official, so Blizzard might change a lot of contents and many more.

Why NOT successful?
Because many people will go to new MMOs like Guild Wars 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic, old subscribers of WoW are going to quit (not all of them, old WoW fans are leaving since Wrath of the Lich King because of many different reasons, it's been a long journey for them), some people got bored of WoW, some of them don't like the lore of Pandas and many more.

Be sure that these comments I wrote, are from the majority of Youtube comments. This is what many people think about this new expansion. Here is a video if you want to catch some comments that I did not include. If you find one, comment below!

Which side do you support?
Here is a video:


WoW will SURVIVE! said...

I think it's going to be a success because it's just the beginning of this expansion. I mean, Blizzard just announced it and this doesn't mean that they are going to release it in a few months... people are raging there but when this expansion will come out, everyone will buy it. WoW will still live. :)

Anonymous said...


I don't think it's going to be successful because come on now, look at people on YouTube! They are saying that they got sick and tired of wow. Look at swtor and gw2. These games will finally KILL wow and wow will also kill itself with this new expansion. Swtor won't really kill wow but gw2 will definitely kill it.

The Winner said...

Both of you are WRONG! WoW won't die, TOR and GW2 are going to be popular but they won't kill WoW. (DOT!)

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